lunes, 29 de abril de 2024

p 29 ex 5,6,7,8

 5-listen and repeat the words in colour in A then match A to B to form sentences

1-how many followers                                             

2-i get breaking news all day  

3-to set up a packet data box connection 

4-leave a voice message

5-i prefer having a face to face

6-its easy to keep in touch with people

6- liaten and repeat the in colour. then copy and complete the sentences

1-you dont have to pay for this app its FREE

2-is the number of FOREIGN LANGUAJE, in an sms limited?

3-if you are paying LOW RATES, it means you are getting a cheap deal

4-your home telephone is called a LANDLINE

5-a RECIPIENT is someone who received something

6-i was born in england, so french is a LENGUAJE to me

7-to change the clock display on your phone go into SETTINGS

7-listen and repeat the words in colour. the words in colour are in the wrong sentences. write the sentences correctly in your notebook

1-can you  ______ this  word into english, please?

2-an error messages will ____ if you make a mistake

3-does this app ALLOW us to create groups for messaging?

4-my frieds and i use instagram to SHARE our photos.

5-if the messages contains more than 140 character , you cant TWEETT it

6-this app helped me ------ through the city.

7- share this and it opens the wireless and network settings

8-after you install the app, ACTIVE it with your password.

8-which sentences are logical? correct the illogical sentences in your notebook.

1-when you meet someone face to face, you see them  TRUE

2-you can read a voice message on your phone  NO (LISENT TO)

3-you can traslate a text from one language to another TRUE

4-you usually use a landline phone outside a building NO (INTER)

5-you navigate in order to reach a destination TRUE

6-if youre allowed to do something, you mustnt do it NO (CAN'T)

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vocabulari tema 10

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